Community Zoom: Clean Fleece NY

For this month’s Community Zoom, we were happy to host Colleen DiVincenzo, the Facility Manager for the new scouring facility the HVTP has been working on opening in Mechanicville, NY. As one of the manufacturing partners for this facility, we know we’ll be using it a lot—and that our fiber customers will want to hear about how they’ll be able to use it too. This is a big deal, and will hopefully streamline some of the time hang-ups we have at the mill around skirting and scouring large orders.

Watch the full video to see the same presentation Colleen gave at the Hudson Valley Textile Project Summit on April 12.

Clean Fleece NY Scouring Facility in Mechanicville, NY is an ongoing initiative of the Hudson Valley Textile Project. While you can find out a lot by visiting the website, this video walks through the facility’s ideation, formation, and founding—from location and personnel to a timeline for when they’ll begin accepting fiber for washing (right now they’re in the testing phase).

Colleen introduces us to each of the machines and tells the story of how they came to be at Clean Fleece, discusses the financing and extensive volunteer dedication to this project, and the needs and challenges that lay ahead before they’re fully up and running.

We know many of you have full barns and busy schedules this time of year, with lambing and shearing and now show season starting, so you’re eager to hear more about Clean Fleece. We hope you enjoyed this presentation!


Washington County Fiber Tour this weekend!


LFTM with HVTP President Gail Parrinello